
25 Mayıs 2014 Pazar


Red Dust (2004)
Director: Tom Hooper
Writers: Troy Kennedy-Martin (screenplay), Gillian Slovo (novel)
Stars: Jamie Bartlett, Hilary Swank, Ian Roberts

The South African lawyer Sarah Barcant travels from New York back to her hometown to represent the member of the Parliament Alex Mpondo in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission since torturer police officer Dirk Hendricks has made an application for amnesty. 

The parents of Steve Sizela request Sarah to represent them also since their son that was arrested with Mpondo but has gone missing. Hendricks uses one break in the trial to threaten Mpondo, promising to destroy his political career telling that he was a traitor. But Mpondo, who is a man traumatized with the torture, anticipates and tells what has happened to Steve Sizela and him in the hands of Hendricks and his superior Piet Müller. 

Will the remains of Steve be found and the truth disclosed?

Dirk Hendricks (Jamie Bartlett), the local policeman, admits Sizela was killed by his boss, Piet Muller (Ian Roberts). Also that much of the torture was carried out at a ranch rather than at the police station – thus confirming Alex’s apparently false memories of a ‘dirt floor’ and a ‘tap in the corridor. 

Visiting the ranch, he puts details together. Dirk admits where he buried Steve Sizela. The bones are found and dug from the ground; Mpondo decides to allow amnesty as the whole truth has been said. Muller, who denied the charges and pleaded not guilty, ironically applies for amnesty himself, infuriating members of the Black South African community.

Parallel with this story is Sarah Barcant’s confrontation with her own past. She was arrested as a teenager for having a black boyfriend, breaking the apartheid laws. She got out after one night, thanks to Ben Hoffman, a white lawyer who has worked all of his life against apartheid and is a strong believer in ‘Truth and Reconciliation’. Sarah Barcant is there because she owes him a debt, and he is now too weak to take the case himself. He sees the outcome as positive.

"Şeytanın gözlerinin içine bakarak afetmek ama unutmamak!"




"Namibya’da adanın yerlileri Herero ve Namalar üzerine taarruz eden Alman askerleri yaşlı, kadın, çocuk dinlemeden 117 bin insanı katlettiler. Danimarka, II. Dünya Savaşı’nda kendisine sığınan 250 bin mülteciyi tecrit kamplarında ölüme terk etti. "

 "Ne diyelim: bunca katliamcı kendilerini aklamak adına yanlarına bir başka katliamcı hatta soykırımcı arıyor. Onu da bize layık gördüler. Hepsi bir araya gelmiş, “Türkiye 1915 Olayları’nda suçludur, (sözde) soykırım yapmıştır” demeye getiriyorlar her defasında. 

Demezler mi adama; “siz önce kendi arka bahçenizi temizleyin! Zira Türkler tarihleri boyunca asla soykırım yapmamışlardır. Gerçi, soykırıma uğramışlardır. 
En basit örnek; Balkanlar 300 bin.”

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